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3 Ways Your Commercial HVAC System in Lafayette, LA Impacts Employees

Commercial HVAC System Impacts Employee

Your workers’ environment has a significant effect on their motivation and productivity. Your HVAC system in Lafayette, LA, can create a comfortable or uncomfortable workplace. Read on to learn how a commercial HVAC system impacts employees.

Poor Indoor Air Quality Causes Health Issues

Pollutants circulating in your indoor air may cause unpleasant smells in your workplace. These contaminants may also cause sneezing, throat irritations, watery eyes and runny noses. The impurities can trigger attacks in workers with asthma.

It may be difficult for employees to concentrate on their work and remain productive while experiencing the multiple irritations associated with poor indoor air quality. Those who have asthma attacks may even request time off.

Your HVAC system steps in to eliminate these contaminants via an air filter. Change it often so that it can trap contaminants efficiently. You can also invest in an air purifier for cleaner air.

Loud Noises From Your System Are Annoying

An inefficient HVAC system may produce unusual noises as it runs a temperature regulation cycle. Some common noises from faulty systems include whistling, banging, gurgling, continuous clicking and buzzing. Your employees may have trouble concentrating in an environment with such noises.

You’ll need to schedule repair services right away to eliminate the irritating sounds. Doing this can prevent the underlying problem from developing into an expensive repair issue.

Inefficient HVAC Operation Results in Discomfort

Underlying commercial HVAC problems reduce your system’s ability to raise indoor temperatures in winter or lower them in summer. Your workers have to endure working in an uncomfortably hot or cold environment. As a result, they may feel less motivated to come to work every morning.

Don’t ignore your commercial HVAC system when it creates an uncomfortable environment for your employees. Instead, contact Desormeaux’s Heating & Air Conditioning, Inc for professional commercial HVAC services. Our team will find a solution to all the underlying issues.

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