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3 Symptoms of Poor Indoor Air Quality in Maurice, LA

Couple Wondering Why Indoor Air Quality Is Bad

Good indoor air quality in your Maurice, LA, home is important to the health and comfort of your family. Although you can prevent problems by replacing the air filter frequently and having a professional service your HVAC system at least once every year, these efforts help prevent contaminants from getting into your system rather than enhancing indoor air quality. Here are the most common signs of poor indoor air quality:

Respiratory Problems

Constant exposure to indoor air contaminants can lead to respiratory conditions. If you or anyone in your home experiences an increase in wheezing, sneezing, coughing or chest congestion, these are clear indications of poor IAQ, especially if the symptoms go away when you step outside. Consulting an HVAC professional can help you determine which devices you need to improve your IAQ so you can improve your health.

HVAC System Failure

The allergens and pollutants in your home can accumulate within your HVAC system. This accumulation can block the air filter. As a result, it can cause the equipment to overheat and eventually fail. Signing up for a preventative HVAC maintenance program will help improve the performance of your heating and cooling equipment and eliminate the need for an untimely HVAC replacement.

High Energy Bills

Have you noticed an unexplainable increase in your energy bills? If so, indoor air pollution might be the cause. When air pollutants accumulate within the HVAC system, it has to work harder and longer to achieve and maintain the right temperature, leading to higher utility costs.

If you need a professional to help you improve the indoor air quality in your Maurice, LA, home, contact Desormeaux’s Heating & Air Conditioning, Inc today. We’ll help you identify potential problems and offer personalized IAQ solutions to help you and your loved ones breathe cleaner air.

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