Are you looking for ways to cut energy costs this year? If so, a new smart thermostat may be a helpful option. In recent months, more homeowners in Abbeville, Louisiana, have been discovering the benefits of smart thermostats. These are some ways that the devices can help you save:
Learn About Your Habits
Drastic changes, such as going from 80 to 60 degrees in the summer, can cause your system to work harder than it would if you maintain a moderate adjustment range. With data from your smart thermostat, you can see your usage trends to help you develop an energy-saving strategy.
Adjust Settings From Anywhere
If you find that you often forget to adjust your thermostat before you leave for work, you can simply adjust it from your smartphone with a Wi-Fi connection. Although there’s programming, this feature is also helpful for unexpected changes. For example, if your teen calls to say that she is sick and going home early from school, you can remotely adjust the thermostat to a more comfortable temperature for when she arrives.
Enjoy Automatic Adjustments
You can program a smart thermostat to automatically adjust at certain times. For example, you may set it to a higher temperature in the summer while you’re away at work. You may turn it down a little when you’re home and up a few degrees at night. A smart thermostat can also learn your habits and make automatic adjustments based on them and on principles of energy saving.
In some cases, a new smart thermostat may be compatible with local utility programs to help you take advantage of incentives. Since every feature is designed to help you consume energy wisely, it can be a good investment. Desormeaux's Heating & Air Conditioning is here to answer your questions about the latest smart thermostats. Contact us today.
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