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Is Your Home Heating System in Abbeville, LA, Efficient?

Heating Efficiency Calculations

Keeping your home comfortable during the winter can cost a lot. Your energy bills will only increase further if your heating system isn’t efficient. Here are a few ways to find out if your heater in Abbeville, LA, is still energy efficient:

Determine the AFUE Rating

The annual fuel utilization efficiency (AFUE) rating determines how efficient your system is at using its fuel. Higher AFUE ratings mean your furnace is wasting less, which saves you more money each month. For example, an AFUE rating of 95% means the system is only wasting 5% of its fuel.

If you live in a temperate climate, it’s best to invest in a heating system with an efficiency score of 80%. To find your system’s score, check the owner’s manual or the informational stickers on the unit itself.

Know System’s Age

Your furnace is going to steadily lose efficiency as it ages. The average lifespan for these heating systems is about 15 to 20 years with routine service. Newer furnaces come with improved efficiency scores and more modern features to benefit your household.

Watch for Energy Bill Changes

Another clear sign of lowered efficiency is frequent and unexplained changes in your energy bills. Compare your bills each month to keep track of the fluctuations and drops in efficiency.

How to Improve Efficiency

You can improve your system’s efficiency by calling for a professional heater tuneup once a year. Schedule this service in the the fall for optimum results. Additionally, investing in a new furnace installation benefits you by lowering your maintenance needs as well as your monthly costs.

Your heating system may be lacking efficiency if it’s skyrocketing your bills, is older than a decade or has a low AFUE rating. Contact us at Desormeaux’s Heating & Air Conditioning for experienced heating services in Abbeville, LA. We can also upgrade your old furnace to a new heat pump. Heat pumps are HVAC systems that offer both energy-efficient heating and cooling capabilities.

Image provided by iStock

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